The award is offered to young doctors, engineers and scientists aged 45 and under for outstanding research and development work in the field of bioceramics and the wear problems in joint replacements and in connection with clinical results of ceramic implants.
Work may be published in scientific journal or book. Additionally unpublished manuscripts, diploma theses, dissertations and post-doctoral theses are also accepted. The work must not have been submitted for, or received, any other scientific prize.
The winner is chosen by a DGOOC jury. The 2024 research award will be presented during the jointly sponsored congress by the German Society for Orthopedics and Orthopedic Surgery (DGOOC), the German Association for Trauma Surgery (DGU) and the Professional Association of Orthopedists and Trauma Surgeons (BVOU) in Berlin.
To be considered for the competition your work, in German or English, must be received no later than July 31st, 2024. A declaration that your work has not received or been submitted for another award, together with the data protection form (available on the DGOU website) must accompany your entry via email to:

Thomas STERNER (Germany)
Auswirkungen von klinisch relevanten Aluminium Keramik-, Zirkonium Keramik- und Titanpartikeln unterschiedlicher Größe und Konzentration auf die TNFα-Ausschüttung in einem humanen Makrophagensystem
[Effects of clinically relevant alumina ceramic particles, circonia ceramic particles and titanium particles of different sizes and concentrations on TNFα release in a human monocytic cell line]
The awarded paper was published in:
Biomedizinische Technik, 49 (2004), 340-344